Why Not Start an Idea List?

Slices of days 475 through 481. Full images are shared at the bottom of the post.

The past two weeks have included artwork using “Before and After” phrases. It’s basically a phrase that is comprised of two different phrases or names, and are bridged together by a common word. Like Damsel in Distress Signal or Billy Crystal Ball.

These came from literally hundreds of “Before and After” ideas that I have compiled in a digital notes file over a year ago. Now when I was creating that list of ideas, I had no thought about using them for a lettering post. In fact, I wasn’t even doing this artwork when I brainstormed the list with my family.

This got me thinking more about my Idea List; the ongoing list of words and phrases I refer to when deciding on the subject of my daily post, and what a resource that has become for me.

Now, there is no surprise that I love a good list. However, usually when I’m getting all fan-girl about how awesome lists are, it is around the idea of organizing tasks that need to get done and the satisfaction of crossing those tasks off when completed. And yes, I sometimes include things on a list that take little-to-no effort just for the joy of crossing them off. (Hey, whatever it takes; no judgment here)

So, let’s take this useful tool and expand our use of it. Instead of simply thinking of lists as a compilation of things you need to get done, why not create an Idea List? I would classify an Idea List as the random thoughts and ideas that bubble up in your mind at any given time that you want to save for a future time. If you don’t currently have a list like this, I’d encourage you to start one.

Originally I started making my Idea List purely out of necessity.

When I started creating artwork daily, I quickly realized that having a pool of content to reference was essential to capturing quality ideas for my daily post.

So over the past year, I would make notes of those thoughts and ideas throughout my day. The beauty is that it is super simple to do this.

Maybe I’ll be out somewhere running an errand and hear a word that catches me funny. I’ll add it to the list.

Or I’ll be talking to a friend and they’ll say a phrase that really resonates with me. I’ll add it to the list. (I do my best to be super-stealthy about it)

The key is that I don’t give myself the option to think about it or determine the value of the idea. If it connects with me in any notable way, it goes on the list.

Some of these ideas are used the week they popped up. Others stay on the list for months until my mood or circumstance result in that idea being perfect for that particular day.

There are some ideas that are just waiting for the right time, while a number of the ideas I’ve captured probably won’t end up becoming anything.

But I view it as all a part of the process. Because quite possibly documenting one thought could be a launching pad to another idea.

However, none of that would be possible if I didn’t capture the ideas in the first place.

Have you ever thought about capturing your random thoughts and ideas? Maybe it’s the idea of a story you want to write or a piece of jewelry you want to craft. Or ingredients you’d like to use the next time you bake. Nobody arrived at the idea of combining chocolate and paprika (sooo good!) without considering some very random thoughts.

I’m a firm believer that every single one of us is creative. I even did one of my posts declaring this.

Creativity is a muscle — the more you use it, the stronger it will be.

For the next month, why not write down your ideas and thoughts. You may be surprised at what you capture and how useful those ideas will be at a future time.

For anyone who is intrigued about starting an idea list, but feeling a little hesitant, remember that just because you capture an idea doesn’t mean that you have to do anything with it. However, I guarantee that you will lose the option to do anything with ideas that you don’t capture at all.

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