Take Two

There’s a tension that exists in doing a daily post. The obvious one is the constant looming deadline of creating new artwork every day. And while there certainly are days I felt crunched for time, overall, there is a benefit to the challenge of needing to produce every day.

I am someone who works better with a deadline and I know I’m not alone in that. I’ve had many animated discussions with people who know that to be true for them as well.

Something about that pressure results in ideas sparking that otherwise wouldn’t have ignited.… Read More

Keeping It Real

Early in this daily-posting journey, I had the inner struggle of deciding whether to show only artwork that had been created on the computer, or if I should pull back the curtain a little and share some pieces in sketch-form.

What will people think? Is that a little ‘too real’?

I kept going back and forth between thinking it would be a good, healthy thing to do and that I would probably lose what little following I had, if I did.… Read More

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

An exciting thing happened this week; I was featured in a local magazine. It was a 2-page, full-color article telling my story and showing photographs of both me and my artwork. I proudly shared this news on social media, basking in the glow of this opportunity to potentially expand my audience.

However, as I thought about documenting this journey, I realized there was more to this story.… Read More

Build a Library

When I first started posting my focus was on designing an entire alphabet. Each new letterform or punctuation brought with it a bit of excitement and sometimes a little trepidation. (You don’t realize how truly odd ampersands are until you are staring at one trying to recreate it.)

However, as time went on I started to see how I am also creating a library of visuals to pull from. While the letterforms are important, I kept seeing how the other elements really communicate the concept.… Read More