What’s the deal January?

Ah, January…I’ve got a total love/hate thing with you. On the plus side, we are done with the holidays. All of the decorations have come down and our tree “Chris Pine” has been dragged to the curb.

(SIDENOTE TO CHRIS PINE: It’s nothing personal. We were really jazzed about having you in our home. You smelled great, stood straight and held up all the ornaments we placed on you like a champ. We just decided that for this next run, outdoor shrubbery isn’t the vibe we are going for in our living room. It’s not you Chris Pine, it’s me.)

So while January is not as obnoxious as the “multiple holiday” month of December (such a diva)…January IS known for being a time of starting stuff; setting goals, resolutions, etc.

That’s the beef I’ve got with this month. The pressure to start something, or declare your intentions for the year, or decide on a direction…more specifically the “right” direction for your business, family, health, fill-in-the-blank, feels like a bit much.

Now I’m all for making plans and I love a good goal, but if that’s not where you are at, you may start to question yourself because, after all, it’s January and people around you are trying out new gym memberships, starting a morning journal or have decided that this is the year to learn a second language. Zut alors! (one of the few things I remember from 3 years of French)

Additionally, I am realizing that reaching the end of my 2-year goal has brought with it a little bit of sadness. The rhythm of creating and posting every day was a part of my life for so long that I’ve been feeling a little unsure of how to move forward. (is the total lack of graphics in this post bothering anyone else?)

Fortunately, I walk in some circles of wise gals who remind me that it’s ok to not know for a while. Whoa, hold up! You mean it’s OK to not know what my next goal is and to just BE for a while?

Yup, word on the street is that just because it’s a new calendar year, doesn’t mean I have to a clear picture of what needs to happen next. (I’ll keep you posted on that one)

Of course, if you ARE feeling it and have plans mapped out and are starting 2019 like gangbusters, that’s awesome! Ride that wave baby and comment below about what you are doing because I would love to cheer you on.

But for those of us who are not quite so sure what our next steps will be, I just want to say, you are not alone. I’m trying to follow the “signs of life” and keep doing the things that have been fruitful in the past, but it certainly isn’t clear where this path will go.

It can be a hard place to sit, but I’m trusting that there is purpose in the waiting. (fingers and toes crossed just in case)

In other news, we are still working out details behind-the-scenes with shipping off shirts to Congress. I can’t wait to share more specifics with you (like the number of shirts going, where they are going, etc). Also, my hope is that some of you would help be on the lookout for “sightings” of the shirt being worn. (Stopping short of being a creepy stalker, of course)

Thanks for reading this post. It’s no small thing to share this journey with you. If there is any way that I can provide more value to you, please drop a line and let me know.

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