We Interrupt This Blog…

There was a time when radio or T.V. networks would break into a program to deliver some important news or information; which is kind of what this weeks post is, but before I get ahead of myself let me give a little back story.

After last week’s post about the “messy middle” I took some time to get clear about next steps for sending the 50 shirts. As I revisited the status, I saw that I got 2 more “Yeses” which brought the total up to 41 shirts ready to go. I decided that the best course of action would be to send the 41 shirts and continue updating about the remaining 9 shirts. It was amazing how making a decision helped me to refrain from “setting up camp” and lingering in the “messy middle” any longer. (Hooray!)

I crafted the note that would accompany each shirt, then briefly entertained the idea of writing all 41 notes by hand. You don’t realize how little you actually write things out these days until you sit down to write a couple of paragraphs and discover your handwriting looks like someone trying to write while holding a pen with their foot.

Wiser heads prevailed and I ditched the handwritten note, going instead with a laser-printed note that I signed along with a short handwritten p.s. (I didn’t want to lose that personal touch entirely). Dean confirmed the postage for each package and then we assembled and sealed each one. Of course each step was recorded in order to create  an entertaining video to document the conclusion of this final hurdle in getting these shirts out the door. (cue the foreboding, ominous music…)

This weekend when I went to my computer I saw a graphic of a folder with a question mark flashing on my screen. (Just seeing it recreated on the right is causing my palms to sweat)

All things considered, I think I handled myself quite well. There was no wailing or gnashing of teeth, more of a calm-I-kinda-wanna-throw-up feeling. My wiz of a hubby told me I had a bleep-bloop-blorp-corrupted-something-or-other but that he could just access our back-up system to fix it. (Whew!)

So the good news is my computer can be fixed, the bad news is it takes a loooong time to do this. In fact, here’s a picture I took of the screen when he started the recovery.

This little “wrinkle” meant I couldn’t access my files to finish making the video or create the graphics I was planning to have for this post. But that just means I do this post update now and will post all of those other goodies later in the week. (Ain’t nothing gonna stop mama today)

It would appear that the “messy middl”e wanted to rally for a more dramatic ending. Like a scary movie, where the bad guy gets killed and the hero is standing over him, but you KNOW there is about to be one last jump scare… and that still doesn’t stop you from STILL being startled when the bad guy lurches to life one final time.

So there will be more to come this week, but I’m happy to say, regardless of the circumstances, 41 shirts WERE SHIPPED! I’ll be including all of the deets on who is in this first batch, as well as keeping you updated on the final 9.


2 Responses

  1. Jerry Frank
    | Reply


    • Rebecca Gallagher
      | Reply

      I’m gonna assume that the “hooray” is for 41 shirts out the door and not that my computer has been on life-support : )

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