Irons In The Fire

Lots of irons in the fire, which I’ve always taken to be a good thing, but recently discovered that phrase can also have a bad connotation. While I mean it as “lots of possibilities and activity” there are some who use that as “too much to keep up with”. Anyhoo, it’s all good around here, so let’s dive into the updates.

It’s a big week for audio. I got my first project through a new connection we are trying. It’s an online marketplace called ACX where authors can connect directly with narrators to get their content made into an audiobook. It’s run by which is a subsidiary of

So, the same company that can overnight my footie socks and is responsible for me never stepping foot into a store at Christmas time (unless absolutely necessary) has now given me one more reason to sing their praises.

As a narrator you set up a profile, identify the genre you are interested in, share your experience and abilities, upload some samples of your work, and then search for projects to audition for. It’s wonderful platform that can really help a newbie narrator get some experience or increase opportunities for a seasoned narrator.

Dean & I both set up profiles, which has been a great time to audit our demos to see what we have and where there are gaps in the skills we are showing. Dean did some ah-mazing samples which you can check out here. And no, it’s not a big deal that I got a project before him, and we certainly are not going to run a tally board to see who gets more gigs. #ofcourseweare

This week I will also be going into the studio to record a new book by Jen Hatmaker. If you aren’t familiar with her, she’s a gifted author and speaker, who basically uses her platform to speak about things she believes in. (I imagine us being besties all the time)

I previously had the privilege of recording 2 of her books (7 and Interrupted). This new book is inspired by the book 7, which was a social experiment into the excesses of 7 areas in her life (food, clothes, spending, media, possessions, waste & stress). She dedicated one month to each area and during that month drastically limited (and in the cases of media, completed eliminated her use) what she used/wore/ate and then wrote a book about it. Super interesting and thought provoking.

This new book is a spin on that idea and is called “7 Days of Christmas: The Season of Generosity.” At a time when our consumerism is most rampant, she’s suggesting we incorporate practices and activities to help others, rather than focusing on ourselves. I’m sooo looking forward to recording it. And according to my pal you can already pre-order it here.

In an effort to step up my networking game, I’m going to tag Ms. Hatmaker on some posts about this project so we can get on with her inviting me to be her exclusive narrator and forging our deep and significant friendship. (Dream big baby)

As far as visuals go, this week I went with creating some artwork inspired by content I read in a blog post by Orlando Ceasar. He & I served together in a drama ministry many moons back and he is one of those high-caliber guys you thank your lucky stars you get to hang around periodically.

He wrote an article about creativity and making new connections with phrases from advertising. It really struck me, so I decided to create something with it. There are times when I am strategic about what I’m creating and other times I create something because I want to play with an idea.

There are different trains of thought around the content I use. One is to create artwork using original content (my words). The other is to create artwork using someone else’s content, being sure to credit them when you are sharing. (Remember kids, just because you saw it online doesn’t mean it’s free to take) #truthbomb

The more I am faithful to following ideas that interest me, the more likely I’ll be to find the kind of opportunity I’m wanting.

While most of the time I’m focusing on working with my own content, when someone else’s content really grabs me and I see way I could bring value, it’s fun to put something together.

Finally, don’t forget…you can do this too! I’m sharing this bumpy, messy story because:

  1. It gives me accountability to keep making progress. #preach
  2. I’m hoping when you see what I’m trying it will spur you on to take steps on your dream. #yesyoucan

Drop me a line and share your questions or comments. I appreciate you so darn much.

2 Responses

  1. Peggy
    | Reply

    You Go Girl!! Congrats on your audio gig. Take that Mr. Compitition. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Of course this is a compition! You both are amazing!!! Good Luck and let the best person win. Love yous guys XOXOXOX

    • Rebecca Gallagher
      | Reply

      As you well know, we come from a long line of competitors…this kind of thing is inevitable. Thanks for the kind words and well wishes!

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