Get Ready for Some Treats

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Happy Halloween, y’all! Hope you are prepped for handing out some goodies to sugar-crazed kids in your neighborhood. For all the parents out there, don’t miss out invoking a “candy tax” for the service of scouring your kids treat bag to toss out any suspect candy and make sure the bounty meets all appropriate Halloween regulations. #ParentPerks

In our house, all the Snickers, Reese’s and any other nut-based candy make it to me regardless because of a pesky nut allergy. It’s a real lemons-into-lemonade moment for me, but for my daughter, not-so-much.

Before I dive in to the updates I wanted to acknowledge this week is the 2-year anniversary of starting this blog. #Whoa

I remember when I first posted, I had been looking at other people’s blogs and desperately wished I could wave a magic wand and be further along in my story. Instead of having only a handful of posts, I wished there was a robust library on the website navigation under the “Archives” header.

When I think about it now I can see how that wish was more about wanting to look impressive and experienced, while taking a pass on being a newbie. #EgoTalks

Now that I’ve been on this journey for 2 years I am grateful for what those steps have given me. And while this blog is vastly different from where it started, I still consider it a work-in-progress. However, none of it could have happened if I never took that first step. It’s that whole you-can’t-steer-a-parked-car thing.

So whatever you’ve been dreaming about — that project you are curious about starting or passion you wish was a tangible thing instead of just an idea rolling around in your head, take a step, no matter how small.

Share your idea with a friend. Make time to practice or learn or just play. You never know where it will lead, but I guarantee nothing will happen with it if you don’t take any action. #ToughLove

First is keeping up with my commitment to make a new 1-minute intro video every month to get my name (and voice) on the radar of various publishers and producers. One of the challenges in creating these videos is while the overall format stays consistent (cue cards without talking), I need to find new things to share to pique interest and do it all in a minute. #NoProblem

This latest video speaks to how far I’ve come, because there was absolutely a time when I would have taken a hard pass on talking about any of this. The title of this week’s video is “Bad Reviews.”

I realize it’s a bit counter-intuitive to put together a video of the bad reviews I’ve gotten over the years and send it directly to the people I’m trying to convince to hire me. #WHATAREYOUDOING?!

But the reality is there is always someone out there who won’t like what you do. Watching “Mean Tweets” on Jimmy Kimmel helped clarify that for me. SIDENOTE: George Clooney is a national treasure, but I will concede that Zac Efron has a “total “douche” face.

It was actually fun to pull these together and give a “voice” to each of them. This is my third video so far and I’m pleased to say that my contact list keeps growing. Sure, there are a bunch of people who don’t respond, but those that do are very positive. I’ve also learned that it can sometimes take people over a month (or longer) to respond, so patience is paramount. #InItForTheLongHaul

Plus, the fact that they liked my video is an indication they are most-likely my kind of people.

Without further ado, here is Introduction Video #3: Bad Reviews

It’s always interesting when you first create a new product. There’s a lot to do — working with templates, looking at samples, and learning about the specific nuances of the format. For example, designing on a phone case isn’t the same as designing on a mug or t-shirt.

Fortunately our learning curve with each new product has been shrinking, so that has helped with our confidence in being open to new formats. Plus, it doesn’t hurt when we get great feedback, like when a certain teenager said, “Mom, I would actually like one of those.” #TeenTalk  



One difference with phone cases is the variety of sizes. We started with one brand (iPhone, duh!) but even with that there are 11 different versions. #SuchADiva

We do realize that there are other phones brands out there and are more than willing to create additional  versions, but we are still learning which ones are in demand. Be a pal and share what kind of phone you have so I can make sure I’m covering all of the right bases. You can check out the most recent additions to the shop here.

In other news, I’ve been packaging together the products for the animal series, starting with Cat Person. In addition to posting the t-shirt, mug and phone case together on social media I’ve been contacting some different organizations to see if I can get this artwork to people that would really love it.

I’ve also been reaching out to celebrities who are known for their love of cats to see if I can get the artwork to a larger audience. Fingers-crossed that T-Swift is closely monitoring her IG account. #YouNeverKnow

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