Are You Creative? (The Answer May Surprise You)

One of the ways to discover how you truly feel about a topic is to consider the opposing view. When you hear someone take a position on an issue it sometimes can help clarify how you feel about it as well.

For example, if you are a person who has never met a dessert that you aren’t willing to show a good time to (ie. the inside of my stomach) and you hear someone say, “No thanks, I don’t want any ice cream” it may cause strong feelings to emerge. (It’s not about being hungry Dean, sometimes a person just wants a little taste of sweet.) #whostherealweirdo?

In all seriousness, something I have come to realize I feel very strongly about; is that everyone is creative. Part of how I discovered these strong feelings is a result of hearing people say “I’m not creative.”

First off: Yes, you are. It’s hard-wired in you. That’s like saying “I’m not a human being.” By the very nature of you being born in this world, you are both creative and human. #birthright

SIDENOTE: If you do have reason to believe you are not a human being and have come across this blog post, please drop me a message because I have SO many questions.

Second: The only difference between people when it comes to creativity are people who embrace their creativity and are intentional about expressing it and those who are not intentional about expressing it.

The latter half are still using their creativity, but they deny that they are creative. #socrazy

Seriously, have you ever looked at all of the things you accomplish in a day? The challenges you have solved? The meals you have made for your family or fun trips you have taken? Or the way you have organized/decorated your house?

And don’t even get me started on how creativity is accessed to navigate life as a parent. #24/7creative

If I had to guess, I think what people mean when they say they are not creative, is actually that they are not artistic. Which is totally possible and frankly, way too limiting of a view of creativity.

According to Merriam-Websters the definition of creative is “marked by the ability or power to create,” and “having the quality of something created rather than imitated.”

Please note that there is no limit or category for where and how creative expression occurs. If you are making something that didn’t previously exist, and not just copying what others are doing, that is a form of your creative expression.

Problem solving, organizing, creating a meal, decorating a room, planning an event are all potential moments for you to use your creativity. #awwyeah

How about instead of denying we are creative, we start acknowledging all of the ways that we are using our creativity. It’s like a muscle, the more intentionally we use it, the stronger it will get. (or so I’ve been told by people who know stuff about muscles)

So remember, if you are a person, living on Earth, you are indeed creative. And once you realize and accept that, then the real fun begins of deciding how you want to use it.

And just like your creativity, the possibilities of what that can look like are endless.

Let me know if my thoughts on creativity are helping you to get some clarity or maybe giving you a new way of looking at how you view your own creativity. Drop me a message at

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