An Overdue Update

Alright kids, it has been a while since I’ve updated you on things around here, which has been due to two factors.

  1. We are in uncharted waters, which means I am trying to get my bearings and identify what would be of interest to share. I’ve never been a “look at me” kinda gal. Therefore, unless I’m doing something that would clearly benefit you (or give you a giggle), I’m pretty slow at sharing.
  2. We are currently attempting something that, on the surface, goes against conventional wisdom. As a result, I’ve been trying to identify the best way to package what’s going on. Tragically, try as I might, I still have a strong “please like me” bent, which means when I do things outside of expectation I’ve gotta have an extra dose of gumption before I share it (or possibly a stiff drink or two).

I don’t mean to make it all sound so dramatic. We are not selling all of our earthly possessions to join some gypsy caravan. Nor have we gotten in on the “ground floor” for the most amazing organic insect repellent that we just can’t wait to tell you about in the hopes of getting a few more investors for BUG OFF! (patent pending)

All kidding aside, the gist is that in addition to building my lettering skills and hoping to increase exposure and opportunity for my visual art, Dean & I are simultaneously pursuing our voiceover careers as well.

Whew, it feels so good to just say it! Of course, the “conventional wisdom” we are ignoring is the idea that you shouldn’t pursue 2 passions at the same time because doing that can compromise the progress of either passion.

However, the truth is we are not beginning from the starting line with voiceover work, it is something that we have been doing for almost 15 years. The difference is that we have never actively pursued it.

So it kinda feels like we are tending a garden that has been growing on it’s own, but we are now giving it a serious dose of Miracle Grow.

Of course there are definite challenges in what we are trying to do. While I have adjusted parts of my website, it’s still a work-in-progress and I have concern that it’s a little confusing to have both pursuits on a single site.

An argument could be made for keeping these interests separate and maintaining a different site for each. Who knows? Maybe I will eventually land on that option. However, for now I’m going to try maintaining both on the same site with the differentiation between Audio and Visual.

I’m excited to share that there has been activity for both. On the Audio side, since getting back from APAC I have done a couple of new books (including one I got to record with Dean). Plus, I just scheduled recording a new Jen Hatmaker book (fingers crossed that all my subtle stalking of her on social media will pay off during this project).

On the Visual side, I’ve been working on some more traditional style pieces because I’ve had a few projects where my whimsical lettering just isn’t a fit. Here’s some shots showing the evolution of a recent piece; sketches, work-in-progress, and final inked artwork.

Just love the idea behind this one! Yup, on any given day there are many things that vie for our attention. Of course there are always things that need to get done because… ya know, life. But what are the things that just capture your imagination or bring a burst of energy into you?

Those are the things that are worth investing a serious amount of time into because in the end I think the payoff will be way beyond what we can imagine.

Would love to hear what you have been working on or if you have any thoughts regarding this next chapter that we are embarking on. Let me know what you think of the adjustments we’ve made to the website or what you’d like to me to talk about in a future post.

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