Forever Bettering My Lettering

Day 512

512 days ago I began posting a new lettering piece every day. It was the best decision I could have made for my artistic career. Sure there have been low points and times when no one but my dear friend, Sue, gave me a like. [thanks sista!] But there have also been days when an idea came together and I was so proud seeing my progress and, to top it off, a whole bunch of kind souls would say that I should keep at it.

While I have always been artistic (I’ve got the fingerpainting from childhood to prove it), I have spent a majority of my life trying to figure out where to apply my artistic energy. Sure, I’ve been a working graphic designer for 20 years, during which time I thought I just really liked typography. I even pursued a Masters in Illustration (I’ve got the still life drawings to prove it) because I thought I just really liked drawing. It wasn’t until I found out that I could bring drawing and typography together that I truly found an artistic expression that I love.