Didn’t See That Coming

Day 569

Funny story…so while the kids were away at a church retreat Dean & I had a few days of flying solo again. It was reminiscent of many moons ago when we were dating; responsibilities were low and the fun-factor was high.

One late evening we decided to make use of our season passes at Great America and go ride a few roller coasters. Normally, when I attended this park I’m in “mom mode” I’ve got a bag with all the random necessities a family member might need (hand sanitizer, water bottle, etc.) However, this carefree evening I entered the park with no bag. The freedom was magnificent. Until, we got on the Superman ride. For those who have never ridden it before, it does a pretty amazing job of simulating what it might feel like to actually fly (complete with crazy 360-loops). We got on the ride and I took our picture. (You can swipe left to see our carefree expressions.) After I took the picture I put my phone in my pocket, but them immediately worried that it was going to fall out during the ride. I spent the entire ride willing my phone to stay in my pocket.
As soon as the ride ended, I quickly unbuckled, stood up and to my great relief felt that my phone was indeed still in my pocket. Whew.

Sadly, I couldn’t say the same for my other pocket which moments ago held my car keys.